Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Groovy 7 - getStatus & getError message of each assertion in a teststep

In one of the blog post, somebody asked me how they can get the status of each individual assertion of a test step. So on my way to office, i managed to comeup with below is the script which will extend (rather append) the existing code written in blog post - "Groovy 6 - clone test step assertion using Groovy script in soapUI".

Please note, that the below provided script can be extended/merged with other script shared. For instance, you can place few code lines from the script and iterate through all the teststep inside a testcase.

Keeping watching/reading this space, soon i will be sharing the blogs on - communicating with JXL API (free Excel API) & interaction with database using the Groovy.

@Title : Gr-ooooooo-vy VII
@Author : Pradeep Bishnoi
@Description : Get the status of each assertion inside a specific test step.

import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable
def project = context.testCase.testSuite.project
def testSuite = project.getTestSuiteAt(1)
def testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseAt(0)
def testStepSrc = testCase.getTestStepByName("myTestStepName")
def counter = testStepSrc.getAssertionList().size()

for (count in 0..<counter)
{"Assertion :" + testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(count).getName() + " :: " + testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(count).getStatus())
error = testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(count).getErrors()
if (error != null)
}"---------------------------- Line to seperate each assertion status in logs -----------------")

I would appreciate your valuable comments and other relevant inputs.  Keep sharing & be happy :-)

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Groovy 6 - clone test step assertion using Groovy script in soapUI

Yesterday, I found one interesting question in eviware forum [thread] : seeking the information about replicating the "Clone Assertion" feature from soapUI Pro into the soapUI open source using the groovy. So i thought of trying my hand on the same and shared below is the working piece of code to achieve the same.

P.S. : I have also updated the eviware forum thread and people who 'hates' blog can read the solution in the thread. And thanks to the user for raising this question in forum :-)

# Create 2 property at testcase level named "sourceTestStep" & "targetTestStep" respectively.
# Always copy and paste the name of teststep when update the value of newly defined property, so as to reduce the possibility of TYPO error.
# Create a groovy test step then paste the below code and run the test step. Done!

@Title : Gr-oooooo-vy 6
@Author : Pradeep Bishnoi
@Description : Clone all the assertion from TestStep [SourceTestStep proptery] into the target TestSTep [TargetTestStep property] by executing a groovy test step.

import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable
def project = context.testCase.testSuite.project
def testSuite = project.getTestSuiteAt(1)
def testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseAt(0)
def sourceTestStep = context.expand( '${#TestCase#SourceTestStep}' )
def targetTestStep = context.expand( '${#TestCase#TargetTestStep}' )

def testStepSrc = testCase.getTestStepByName(sourceTestStep)
def testStepTrgt = testCase.getTestStepByName(targetTestStep)
def counter = testStepSrc.getAssertionList().size()
for (count in 0..<counter)
    testStepTrgt.cloneAssertion(testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(count), testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(count).getName())

Groovy 5 - adding basic assertion using Groovy in soapUI

From the time i started using soapUI(both open source & Pro), I was struggling with one very simple though a painful issue. Adding basic assertion (like SOAP response, Not SOAP Fault) in each and every test step (where number of teststep is around 10+) of your TestCase/TestSuite. There may/are few alternatives available which can be used to acheive this, like create few basic assertion in one teststep and then clonse these assertion into other teststeps.

The above mentioned apporach can be used however that also require many click here and there. So i have written few lines of code to automate that part & these code lines can be customized and extended as per your testing needs.

To proceed with just create a new Groovy Test Step and execute that test step once. Please note: i am assuming you already have all the teststep created under a testcase.

@Title : Gr-ooooo-vy 5
@Author : Pradeep Bishnoi
@Description : Add 2 basic assertion (soap & not soap fault) in all teststeps using the Groovy script

import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable
def project = context.testCase.testSuite.project
def testSuite = project.getTestSuiteAt(1)
def testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseAt(0)

wsdlTestSteps = testCase.getTestStepsOfType( com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep.class ) //test step

def testStepCount = wsdlTestSteps.size()
( 0..< testStepCount).each
        // SOAP Response      Not SOAP Fault
        if (!(wsdlTestSteps[it].getAssertionByName("Not SOAP Fault")))
            wsdlTestSteps[it].addAssertion("Not SOAP Fault")
        if (!(wsdlTestSteps[it].getAssertionByName("SOAP Response")))
            wsdlTestSteps[it].addAssertion("SOAP Response")
        }"Assertion created into Teststep :: " + testCase.getTestStepByName(wsdlTestSteps[it].getName()).getName().toString())

Do share the same with others & provide your comments on the same, anything.
// Slight formatting/editing may be required in the code lines when pasting it into soapUI script editor.